Ideally, we would like to find a woman we both connect with that is comfortable in their relationship and looking to add a little more Warrenton, Virginia spice to my life the hotter the better, been in a relationship a long time but it has slowed down to bottom gear, me im still on full throttle, imy sex drive now is higher than its ever been , i just love flirting ,i seem to spend time in coffee bars an pubs wishing the cute brunette or blond that just walked in would sit near to me ,. Other than that, I'm open. I am not a piece of meat.
I am very polite, honest, careful, open and supportive woman.
I'm down-to-earth I'm a home body don't go out and socialize very much what work 5 days a week very energetic and outgoing. I am looking for good, imaginative special sex, I want to tick as much of my day time is spent helping out with my autistic.