Discreet, quiet,silly, affectionate, empathetic,cares for , loves to read, doesn't own a tv,healthy eating, exercise, dancing, reading, writing, math, walking in nature, loves animals, cracking jokes,
laughing REALLY LOUD and OBNOXIOUSLY at lame-os, creeps, clout chasers, fuckboys, narcissists, and other HUMAN SCUM, studying law (self-teaching), starting my own business,
investing. I love the bar / club scene, I dont mind if you are not into partying and such. Who am I looking for?
Sexy nudes in
jozi. I have a reaable amount of experience in the lifestyle. I go in for sport twice a week and I like
healthy food.
Just a lonely big guy looking for some
females that enjoy some good quality sex and aren't too shy about it.